Chinese Lion Dances 2013- An Article by The Chief Instructor, Mr Russell Suthern
Chinese New Year Lion Dance season has closed and what a crazy two weeks it was!
We had more performances and travelled further afield than ever before.
There was just too much to include in any one article, but outstanding memories include the school where Shaf dropped the Lions mouth over the teachers head to make it look as if she was eating her, at one school, Jason lifted Shaf onto his shoulders and charged around the banqueting tables like a demented Godzilla, scattering students in terror!
At the Castle Inn, the manager, Ray, set off so many firecrackers, I think any evil spirits would be obliterated, let alone scared away- deafening!
The five hour round trip to a Margate casino was rewarded with an appreciative audience and a massive Chinese buffet. We had never done a casino before, so we were intrigued to see how it would go. Everybody loved it and fortunately we were able to stop the Lion putting all our earnings on lucky red!
We finished with a performance at a local nursery, where I teased the Lion with the green, waving it in front of its face, then snatching it away. Eventually the Lion got so frustrated it charged me like a bull, jumping me before snatching the green away in triumph! The kids loved it!
Well done to the whole team.
Everyone did really well and had a great time. What a great way to celebrate the new year!
Kung Hey Fat Choy!
Mr Russell Suthern
Chief Instructor WCMA