Dear all this is an update regarding the situation with outdoor sessions. We are constantly looking at Government guidelines and the number of cases being reported. It is vital that we follow Government guidelines and keep you and ourselves safe. The current guidelines are that only a maximum of 6 people can meet. Therefore we will not be currently running regular classes as they will be too difficult to organise and administrate. We have looked into this! If more than 5 students turn up we will have to send students away and we do not wish to do so. For the moment we will be only organising prebooked workshops or private lessons as these are easier to manage. This situation will be constantly reviewed. We would like nothing more than to start classes and will do only when the guidelines allow us to do so smoothly. Any workshops have been and will be advertised. You will hear of them if they are relevant to you. Thank you

Mr Russell Suthern, Chief Instructor WCMA

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