Brighton & Hove Club

Brighton & Hove White Crane Martial Arts Club at BHASVIC 205 Dyke Rd, Hove, East Sussex BN3 6EG, and also Sea Gym, 11, 300 Sea Lanes, Madeira Drive, Brighton BN2 1BX.


Chief Instructor: Mr Russell Suthern
Mobile Number – 07885 963 979
E-mail –


Brighton Club Classes   
Please check the timetable below. We would advise that you contact the Chief Instructor prior to attending your first class so that you can be advised of cost, what to wear and bring.


Brighton Club Timetable 

Tuesday pm BHASVIC:
Brighton and Hove Sixth Form College, Hut 2, 205 Dyke Rd, Hove BN3 6EG:
Tai Chi 7-8 pm
Kung Fu 8-9 pm
Thursday pm BHASVIC:
Brighton and Hove Sixth Form College, Hut 2, 205 Dyke Rd, Hove BN3 6EG:
Tai Chi 7-8 pm
Kung Fu 8-9 pm
Saturdays am BHASVIC:
Brighton and Hove Sixth Form College, Hut 2, 205 Dyke Rd, Hove BN3 6EG:
Tai Chi 9-10 am
Kung Fu 10-11 am
Weapons 11-12 pm
Ferring Classes
Thursday am Ferring Village Hall:
Gentle Exercise based on Tai Chi 10-11 am
All classes are beginner friendly and all levels are welcome. 
Please contact the Chief Instructor if you have any queries. 

All our classes are mixed ability & very beginner friendly. Please call or e mail in advance to check the costs and also what clothing to wear.
Martial Arts are a great fun way to challenge yourself so why not come along & give us a try? 


Please be aware that White Crane Martial Arts expects all students to respect their Instructors and their fellow students. WCMA reserves the right to disallow any students from training, although this is always a last resort and not a decision taken lightly. All monies paid to WCMA are non refundable.