Introduction to Archery Master Class- An Article By The Chief Instructor, Mr Russell Suthern

Our February master class was an Introduction to Archery.

We were joined by seasoned archers & several new students eager to learn a new skill.

The new guys soon picked up the skills needed & were racking up some impressive scores.

The Viking warriors we were firing at were much more exciting than the usual circles people use for targets. It is much more fun shooting at a target that looks like a person!

The new guys were quite surprised at how sharp the arrows were, how powerfully they leapt from the bows & how deeply they embedded themselves into the targets. I constantly reminded them that although archery is now seen as a sport, it was originally a very powerful battlefield weapon. These things are dangerous!

Of course, safety is always of paramount importance & everyone was very well controlled, ensuring that there were no injuries.

Our youngest student, Charlie came along to test his skills & ended up hitting the target with all three shots! (See photo gallery.) A great achievement as he is only five years old!

There is nothing quite like hearing the snap of the bow, the whir of the arrow through the air & the powerful THUNK! of the arrow hitting the target. It feels very primal! We hold archery lessons every Thursday evening, so if you want to get in on the fun, come along & give it a try!

Mr Russell Suthern

Chief Instructor



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